There are many things. There are struggles, there are approaches to struggles, there are movements of people, there are individuals, there are tags we attach to all of these. I think the social networks of our age make it easy for everyone involved to confuse all of these things, but the context matters, the nuance is crucial, and I think we’re all in the constant danger of succumbing to our built-in biases.

Anyway. People should have the right to do with their body as they choose, and if you think so, please consider doing something about it, wherever you live. No need to do the most, it might be enough to do the least, especially if you don’t have the spoons (self care always comes first). Talk about it with people around you, and if you find it isn’t going anywhere, consider upping your game by learning some street epistemology and educating yourself on the best arguments in favour of bodily rights.

Here’s some of what I’m doing, for example: I’m talking about this on my comics page, which have some reach. I’m trying to encourage my readers to have conversations about this, and provide them with links that’ll allow them to educate themselves. And I also suggest the following: If you are a person who doesn’t think bodily autonomy is a powerful enough argument in the conversation about abortion, I’d like to have a personal conversation with you, if you’d like, and try to convince you otherwise. Or maybe I’ll learn from you – perhaps I am the one who is wrong. Contact me, and let’s find a time to talk.