I have two important limits regarding the design of Crystal powers: no size change, and no full body transformation.

The reason is the Crystal itself. I want it be separated from the person who uses them, a foreign object, and its owner can’t affect it – they’re affected by it. So no power can change a Crystal, and that includes its size.

Full body transformation is even trickier because then the question arises “what happens to the harness”. The Crystal doesn’t care that it sits inside a harness; if its power allows the owner to completely become something else, the harness will also be transformed, and then the Agent finds themselves with a Crystal they can’t use as a heart, and they choke to death. Technically, Crystals that allow full body transformation could exist in the world, but Syn would be very careful about using them.

However, size changing is my #1 fav power, so I managed to circumvent the rules, twice.

First is the Crystal Warp, which allows the Agent to use a power that make space warped around them as if they are big or small.

Second is here, with Split, which allows you to make the “presences” very big, but not you. Technically the Agent isn’t supposed to be inside the presence when this happens, but this works a lot better for a boss fight.

Soon: News regarding a new game I created called Caregiver. Be a healing spirit and help oblivious adventurers survive!