The GM is in charge of maintaining canon (“what is true in the fiction”); that’s, like, one of their only two necessary jobs (the other one is pacing).

In obscure situations, this power can be used for great effect. And this situation is indeed obscure, the players have been playing the main villain NPCs from 30 years ago, it’s hard to get any further away from the RPG norm (of playing your own character, in the here and now). This means everything was uncertain – we’ve seen this – so to end this scene Nadav builds on this uncertainty and pushes it to the max by literally contradicting what he just said: He described the last panel of the previous page, and now, when asked directly about the turtle, does not acknowledge its existence. Instead he pulls us back to the present and address the players as the Crashing Eagles, “…any Syn document you’ve ever read.”

When the person in charge of “what is true” gives you two opposing answers, you are left confused and unsure, and in a state of anticipation – when will the truth come out? What else might surprise me? It’s a tricky state to be in, so Nadav would do well to resolve this soon, while it’s still fun and exciting, before it becomes frustration or anxiety.

Also, compare: idealism vs cynicism

One week break

A lot has been going on in my life for the past few weeks, which meant I didn’t have the mental capacity to write new scripts, which means Aviv couldn’t draw them. We need to take a short break to allow my life to catch up with the comic’s schedule.