There’s no time for a massive fight. That’s not a story restriction, it’s a real-world fact: The session is done, we’re going home, we’ve started this whole thing waaaaay too late in the session for it to become ‘a thing’.

That’s what Nadav was aiming for, of course. He placed the players in a situation that they know – very meta-wise – can’t be solved in a complicated matter (They didn’t even draw initiative, Nadav just goes between players and asks them what they do). This helps the scene evoke feelings of intensity and pressure, and it also keeps it short. For whatever reason, Nadav wants this thing to be over with quickly, so it’ll feel more like an after-thought or an interlude rather than a part of the “regular” story. This is contrasted by the fact that everything seems to be out of place and not at all in line with what the players know about the world, and this contrast also serves by heightening those feelings of intensity and pressure.

This is a GM planting the seeds for something that will be resolved much later, and making the players care about it deeply, without them yet even knowing what it is.